going to preschool,
Also, I finished my pharmacy technician education course on the 16th. I studied my bootie off and ended up with a 96.5% on the final exam...not bloody bad! I probably have about 96% as my final grade. I'm very happy with that and I'm pleased that I now have my weekends back! Now, onto a pharmacy technician internship (not set-up yet) to log 120 hours so I can apply to the state for my official license!
Hopefully Cole and I will be able to do some mini-vacas to San Diego and to Big Bear in the next month or so!
We're looking forward to the summer...the warm summer nights, the June Bugs, the Lesser Nighthawks that come to eat the June Bugs. :) Cole only has 1 more week (after this week) of preschool left with Miss Anita and Miss Laura...we sure are going to miss them!!!