Friday, April 10, 2009

The Sweetest Thing...

I was on my way out the door to go help with stuffing programs at Grace for the Passion Play this weekend and Cole starts yelling, "Wait mama...wait...I've got to tell you something!" Of course, I'm doing the mom thing and trying to get out the door as fast as I can so I can come back to him...and not really being patient. :)

"What Coleford, what is it little man?! Can you tell when I get back?" I say.

"No mama, just wait!"

"Yes darling?"

"Hey mama, I spy with my little eye something...beautiful."

"Hmmm. What is it Coley?"

With the cutest smile and a finger pointed right at me, whispered in a hushed tone..."You."

Pretty much enough to make my knees go weak. :) And of course I had to go back and give him a fifth hug before I left. This time, squeezing him a little longer than I usually do. :)

Ahhh...just the sweetest thing.


  1. precious! oh my gosh. how did you leave him? that is so stinking adorable.

  2. Isn't he just the darn cutest!!! I can't stand it! SWEET COLEFORD!
